Time for Change

Time for Change

We live in a world of controllers.  Everyone around us is controller-enmeshed.  What does that mean?  The part who operates in survival-mode and makes their decisions from fear is running the show.  That’s why this recovery is revolutionary.  We are not just changing...
I Know and I Don’t

I Know and I Don’t

To my black friends as we rise up against structural racism, I have been struggling this past week.  Let’s face it.  I have been struggling this whole year.  It has been an extremely triggering year where it seems I have been swinging between a numb, manic state and a...
You Are Allowed

You Are Allowed

In case you hadn’t noticed, everyone has an opinion about what we should be doing during this quarantine.  When we learn to please others at a young age, this barrage of opinions can be especially confusing.  We need to know the right answer and we struggle to trust...