The Battles Continue

The Battles Continue

My system is at war right now.  Is this more of a war than normal?  It’s hard to know.  Most of the time, we believe we are feeling the worst we’ve ever felt because we just can’t remember how bad we felt before.  That’s also a defender trick to convince us that we...
Back to the Blog Too

Back to the Blog Too

As a survivor of trauma, there is nothing more unnerving and disorienting than the process of recovering memories of traumatic events. I despise the unknown. It is difficult to acknowledge there are aspects of my own life of which I have no awareness. It’s scary. It...
Back to the Blog

Back to the Blog

When I started my blog, I was excited to have my voice heard.  I felt like I had found my platform to say what I needed to say.  I had finally found a way to get past the obstacles to put my story out there.  At the same time, I was nervous.  After I posted my first...
Solving the Anxiety Mystery

Solving the Anxiety Mystery

Anxiety is one of the most common responses to trauma.  Unfortunately, it is not widely recognized as a trauma related.  It is not always recognized in our systems because there can be many diverse symptoms.  And most symptoms can be seen as other physical and...
The Terror of Happiness

The Terror of Happiness

I’ve had some good things happening in my life lately.  I’ve been taking some big chances and it’s been working out.  That sounds nice, doesn’t it?  I agree it sounds nice.  But I’ll be honest.  My system is in chaos.  My anxiety has been unusually high.  I haven’t...
Leaving Survival Mode

Leaving Survival Mode

Complex trauma teaches us how to survive in the most difficult circumstances.  It teaches us how to stay alive when the odds are against us for extended periods of time.  We learn to make survival our most important priority.  We learn that nothing else in life really...