The Battles Continue

The Battles Continue

My system is at war right now.  Is this more of a war than normal?  It’s hard to know.  Most of the time, we believe we are feeling the worst we’ve ever felt because we just can’t remember how bad we felt before.  That’s also a defender trick to convince us that we...
Back to the Blog Too

Back to the Blog Too

As a survivor of trauma, there is nothing more unnerving and disorienting than the process of recovering memories of traumatic events. I despise the unknown. It is difficult to acknowledge there are aspects of my own life of which I have no awareness. It’s scary. It...
The Wisdom of Isolation

The Wisdom of Isolation

As people grow cautiously optimistic about returning to some semblance of social interaction, many of us may be more concerned than we are divulging.  We may be feeling a bit more comfortable with our aloneness.  We may have grown accustomed to a slower pace.  We may...
Solving the Anxiety Mystery

Solving the Anxiety Mystery

Anxiety is one of the most common responses to trauma.  Unfortunately, it is not widely recognized as a trauma related.  It is not always recognized in our systems because there can be many diverse symptoms.  And most symptoms can be seen as other physical and...
The Terror of Happiness

The Terror of Happiness

I’ve had some good things happening in my life lately.  I’ve been taking some big chances and it’s been working out.  That sounds nice, doesn’t it?  I agree it sounds nice.  But I’ll be honest.  My system is in chaos.  My anxiety has been unusually high.  I haven’t...
Going It Alone

Going It Alone

I don’t watch much television.  But I have a habit of watching “This Is Us”.  I watch it every Tuesday night when there’s a new episode.  My controller tries to shut down any potential emotion, but for some reason, I always seem to manage to move my schedule around...