Time for Change

Time for Change

We live in a world of controllers.  Everyone around us is controller-enmeshed.  What does that mean?  The part who operates in survival-mode and makes their decisions from fear is running the show.  That’s why this recovery is revolutionary.  We are not just changing...
I Have the Power Now

I Have the Power Now

I’ve spent my life on defense.  Every decision I have made was to avoid some bad thing.  I’ve rarely made decisions for a better, fun or authentic life.  That was a luxury I didn’t feel I had.  I chose the safest route.  I chose the approach that avoided risk.  Why? ...
The Mini Chronicles

The Mini Chronicles

I have had a hell of a week.  I packed up our belongings while throwing half of them away, loaded the other half in a POD, put 6 months of essentials in a rental SUV (quite a big one), and drove 12 hours to a furnished house I had never seen before (other than the...
Where Is the Help?

Where Is the Help?

I grew up in a world where help came in two forms.  It was non-existent. Or it was a betrayal disguised as help.  My abusers made it clear that I was not going to find help.  Each time I tried to find help, it was thwarted.  Each time I had optimism, that optimism...