Healing with the Grounded Adult Self
I often talk about the grounded adult self and the importance of connecting with it for healing. But many survivors don’t believe they have a grounded adult self. It is understandable why they...
A Letter from the Defenders
To the Adult Self, We are coming to you as a committee of defenders with a plea to turn this ship around while there is any hope of a reasonable life. You are a naïve adult self. Maybe you have...
I Am Not Your Convenience
Dear Mother, You turned me into a lot of things when I was a child. You projected all your horrible trauma on to me and made me your enemy. In reality, I was simply a child who wanted to be...
Bye Mother
Dear Mother, Another American Mother’s Day is approaching and I am still unraveling the web of contracts you spent my entire life trying to weave. I can’t even imagine how much energy and time...
Escaping the Trap of the Toxic Mother
As you already know, this is a weird time. In some ways, this pandemic has paralyzed me. It has been difficult to get my normal tasks done. And it has been borderline impossible to get new...
You Are Allowed
In case you hadn’t noticed, everyone has an opinion about what we should be doing during this quarantine. When we learn to please others at a young age, this barrage of opinions can be...
An Inner Conversation about the Coronavirus
As the quarantined weeks add up, our inner worlds can get a bit intense. It isn’t that the content changes much, but it gets louder and louder every day. And while we might try to ignore it,...
The Grief of the Coronavirus
The Coronavirus is a catalyst for change. That might be an obvious statement to you. I am sure some components of your life have been turned upside down by this virus. But through my recovery,...
Living through Crisis in Survival Mode
In this world in crisis, our trauma responses are running rampant. The approaches we use are as diverse as the human race. We all have our survival strategies and coping mechanism that came...
The Futility of the Uncontrollable Life
Over the past two weeks, my productivity has been down. It’s not surprising if you look at what is happening around me right now. My kids are home and I’m supposed to be homeschooling them...