by Elisabeth | Aug 15, 2018 | Defenders, Freedom Fighters, Relationships, Trauma In Society
As I have been working with my freedom fighters over these past months, I have come to understand the numerous ways others tried to control me throughout my life. I became so accustomed to these controlling tactics, I didn’t notice them. Being controlled was like...
by Elisabeth | Aug 8, 2018 | Defenders, Freedom Fighters, Inner Children, Relationships, Trauma In Society
We are born free. We are born to bring our amazing strengths to this planet. We are meant to meet a purpose which was designed specifically for us. We are here for great things. But when we were born, the world was waiting for us. The world was waiting with all...
by Elisabeth | Aug 1, 2018 | Defenders, Freedom Fighters, Relationships
Last week, I discussed how our traumatic past can convince us trust is not the answer. When we grow up with trauma, all signposts point to trust being incredibly dangerous. And anything deemed dangerous is to be avoided when we live in survival mode. But a life...
by Elisabeth | Jul 25, 2018 | Defenders, Dissociation, Freedom Fighters, Relationships
One of the most difficult aspects of life after trauma is allowing ourselves to trust. And this makes sense. We have been collecting evidence from a very young age. And we have determined that trust is not something we can afford. When we were growing up, nobody...
by Elisabeth | Jul 18, 2018 | Dissociation, Freedom Fighters, Parenting, Recovery, Relationships
I haven’t been in a great place this past week. My computer’s hard drive crashed and it didn’t sit well with my parts. Even though I did not lose data, my productivity loss triggered the futility from beneath the surface. I was inundated with theories from my...
by Elisabeth | Jun 27, 2018 | Defenders, Freedom Fighters, Inner Children, Recovery, Relationships
After a childhood of relational trauma, finding love can feel like an impossible feat. As our patterns of rejection, abandonment and abuse repeat, we can reach a level of hopelessness that feels insurmountable. We can resolve ourselves to the impossibility of love. ...