Healing the Memories
Many coaches, therapists and helpers are talking about trauma healing these days. Trauma is getting attention, and I am happy to see it. We need to focus on trauma. It makes me feel validated and...
The Election Trauma Response
My past few days have been filled with the same conversations many people are having. It doesn’t matter if you live in the United States. You were probably watching what was happening in...
The Revolution Starts with Healing
I know that trauma is universal. It crosses all genders, races, ethnicities, religions, cultures, belief systems and even the political divide. While traumas are almost as diverse as the people...
In Pursuit of Freedom
I’ve been struggling lately with what it means to be free. While we tend to put too much emphasis on those external steps, I know that freedom can only come from one thing. Freeing ourselves from...
The Best Decisions
I’ve been thinking about my parenting journey and the decisions I have made along the way. I know Mother’s Day is almost here, but it feels bigger than that. Maybe it’s the big life changes...
The Battles Continue
My system is at war right now. Is this more of a war than normal? It’s hard to know. Most of the time, we believe we are feeling the worst we’ve ever felt because we just can’t remember how...
Back to the Blog Too
As a survivor of trauma, there is nothing more unnerving and disorienting than the process of recovering memories of traumatic events. I despise the unknown. It is difficult to acknowledge there...
Where Does Shame Come From?
There is nothing more emotionally devastating than the weight shame has on our lives. The desperation of hiding our shame fuels most of our controller’s behaviors keeping us from our rest and...
Back to the Blog
When I started my blog, I was excited to have my voice heard. I felt like I had found my platform to say what I needed to say. I had finally found a way to get past the obstacles to put my...
The Wisdom of Isolation
As people grow cautiously optimistic about returning to some semblance of social interaction, many of us may be more concerned than we are divulging. We may be feeling a bit more comfortable...