Finding Balance in Family

Finding Balance in Family

One of the most important and difficult aspects of recovery work is finding balance in our lives.  During our traumatic experiences, our inner parts split off in an attempt to keep us safe.  In doing so, they stored their childlike beliefs until they had the...
It Is Best To Go It Alone

It Is Best To Go It Alone

For the past several years, I have been on a journey to heal my trauma.  And not surprisingly, it hasn’t been easy.  I have discovered countless belief systems holding me back from the life I want to live.  I have expressed more emotions than one body should be...
The Other Side of the Rules

The Other Side of the Rules

When I was growing up, the rules didn’t make any sense.  I didn’t know this was part of the plan.  I thought there was something wrong with me.  I thought I just hadn’t figured them out yet.  I thought the adults knew the rules and I was too young, too stupid or too...
Commit to You

Commit to You

During the past few weeks, I have experienced several instances of “social commitments gone wrong”.  Plans I made with others fell through (or almost did) and it wasn’t because of me.  And based on my reaction, I can sense that at least one inner part isn’t handling...
Come Back to Your Truth

Come Back to Your Truth

If there is one thing I have seen as a common thread to a childhood of trauma, it is the invalidation of everything we believe to be true.  Our needs aren’t validated or met.  Our emotions are not validated.  They are touted as problematic.  Our memories are not...