Everyone has a different understanding of miracles. Depending on your perspective, they mean everything from a massive shift in circumstances to spiritual enlightenment. Google defines it as “a surprising and welcome event that is not explicable by natural or scientific laws and is considered to be divine”. My understanding comes from personal experience. I define a miracle as a “realization” or a change in the way we see the world. I am not referring to an intellectual understanding. I am referring to a deep inner knowing in which the entire self is aligned.
In the past six years, I have experienced countless miracles. Most have come after I have asked for some guidance. I am pretty stubborn about asking for guidance, so usually, it happens after substantial pain and suffering on my part. After all this time, I wish I would be just a little more flexible.
My miracles happen everywhere. They never happen while I am meditating or doing something spiritual. It is always in the most unlikely places, like parking lots or standing in my kitchen or playing a game with my kids. A realization will just hit me. Sometimes, I will start laughing. The people around me probably think I am crazy (we will leave that there).
Although each realization could be a series of blog posts (and may be in the future), I will start with a list of some of my favorite miracles:
1. When something happens in my life that I don’t like, it is not a punishment from the universe for doing something wrong. The only punishment is from myself. Karma is an inside job.
2. My children and I have the same wisdom in our souls. It is not my job to teach them wisdom, but only how to access it.
3. My spiritual shift is happening outside of my ego’s control. I can’t do anything about it. My will is of no use to me here.
4. My life is not a race to gather as much as possible. Everything I need is in abundant supply and already here.
5. “It’s not my fault”. This applies to anything and everything that happened when I was a child. Unfortunately, it is not true in adulthood.
6. Negative emotions are ok. They are allowed. They are acceptable. All of the various and sundry parts of me are acceptable.
7. I am good enough. I know you are thinking about Saturday Night Live now. Seriously though, it may be an overused cliché, but as a survivor of abuse, it is critical.
8. I do not need to be saved by anyone but myself. As a child, it would have been nice to have been saved, but as an adult, I can handle it.
These realizations may seem like common sense. They may not seem like miracles at all. However, living a life without these perspectives can be incredibly painful. The relief that I experience from each new understanding affects me psychologically, emotionally and physiologically. They change the course of my life. So to me, they are miracles.
I love that you see the miracles! xo
Thanks Zoe. Sometimes its hard to see them, but it is so critical to my well-being to see them in this way. It makes me feel like progress is being made. I love progress. 🙂
It’s definitely crucial, your fighting spirit reminds me to look for the good! xo
You’re the best Zoe.
Back at you! xo
this “I do not need to be saved by anyone but myself. As a child, it would have been nice to have been saved, but as an adult, I can handle it.” pretty much sums up my entire life right now!!! i found myself in my early 20’s looking for someone to “save” me and ended up in a string of long-term, not healthy relationships. after finding the strength to end the most recent abusive relationship almost two years ago, i’ve been on my own for a string of harrowing life events including the deaths of my grandmother and brother, leaving me an only child to fend for myself and continue to not allow abusive parents into my life, despite all the guilt trips and unending pressure. i’m doing what’s best for my inner child. i’ve somewhat wished for a companion to help me along the way in my weaker moments, but come to be incredibly, just so blessed and grateful that i’ve found the strength to handle the past two years on my own, without help from a man. finding the courage to deal from my friends, but most importantly myself, has been the greatest gift i could ask for…and i shudder to think of where i would be had i not broken the cycle. no one, no life circumstance, can take away the strength and courage and pride we’ve earned with our blood, sweat and tears…and i wouldn’t have it any other way. thank you so much for speaking out about abuse, it makes so many others feel very safe and comforted and cozy indeed to know they are not alone.
Congratulations on breaking that cycle. You are strong indeed. It sounds like we have been on parallel paths the past couple of years. 🙂
Excellent, I read acceptance, awareness, knowing we are ok and can handle whatever life throws our way.
Responsibility and knowing miracles are not possessions, status title or power is insightful and leads to opportunity.
Sorry Grandkids distracted this old guy, sounds similar to a mindfully lead existence . A well lived life
Thank you so much Marty! Although it sometimes is forgotten, I do try to live with this understanding.
I will add to your list:
9. You are worthy of all the gifts of the universe.
10. You are a child of the universe with a unique purpose and essential value.
11. You are lovable, just as you are.
12. You are exactly where you need to be.
ps Have you studied A Course In Miracles? I think it would really resonate with you. Marianne Williamson has written on it pretty extensively and its philosophy underlies a lot of other people’s such as Echart Tolle and Deepak Chopra. Happy to share some links with you if you are interested.
I am still struggling to 100% accept many of these…but I can do 10% of some, which is progress.
I do love ACIM. It is fantastic. And I love your additions too. I am working to accept them too.