Training And Workshops
Are you looking for someone to write or speak about recovery from complex trauma?
As a survivor of family-controlled child sex trafficking and sex abuse, I speak from experience about the childhood trauma recovery process.
As an MSW with a strong background in program management, I discuss how a survivor’s journey is enhanced by organizational programs, procedures and legislative advocacy.
With my experience and education in finance and information technology, I discuss the practical needs of survivors and organizations in today’s world.
Contact me to write or speak about the following topics or to discuss a new session for your organization.

Family-Controlled Trafficking
Audience: Recovery Partners (First Responders, Educators and Medical Professionals will benefit most)
Timeframe: 90 Minutes
As a survivor of family-controlled trafficking, I explain how trafficking, abuse and domestic violence work together to render young victims hopeless and voiceless. I describe the factors covering up the truth behind the family cult. I discuss the symptoms of chronic sexual violence perpetrated by those we are supposed to trust most. I also highlight the trauma-informed approaches to easing the burden of these young people through transformational relationships of trust and understanding.
The Complex Trauma Journey
Audience: Recovery Partners (Therapists will benefit most)
Timeframe: 2 Hours (Appropriate for Conference Training)
How does trauma affect a survivor as they journey through life? We have only recently been able to understand the holistic impact of complex trauma on a survivor. Experts are beginning to openly discussing the impact of trauma on the brain, body and soul. As a survivor of trauma who has embraced holistic recovery, my awareness has led me to a deep understanding of the impact of trauma. I discuss my experiences with trauma by highlighting the physical, sexual, mental, emotional, relational, spiritual and parental impacts. I also describe one recovery model and my personal methods for discovering the traumatic influence on my own holistic system. These methods include cognitive therapy, group work, body work and daily awareness practices.
10 Things I learned in Recovery from a Childhood of Trafficking and Abuse by My Own Family
Audience: Everyone
Timeframe: 45 Minutes (Appropriate for Keynote)
Surviving a childhood of trauma within the family provides an uncommon perspective on life. While these experiences foster fear and anxiety, they also cultivate courage. While this type of trauma makes it difficult to trust, the inner pain incentivizes the survivor to take the journey many don’t consider. A survivor of childhood trauma can use awareness to break down the beliefs engrained by dysfunction and walk away with a new perspective. I discuss the perspectives I have gained through my own intense recovery work from a devastating traumatic past. In the process, those who have not been through trauma may gain an understanding of those who have.
Self Awareness Deep Dive Workshop
Audience: Survivors (or anyone wanting to build their awareness in daily life)
Timeframe: One to Two Day Workshop or a Series of 4 Sessions
This workshop will encourage a deep awareness of how trauma may be impacting your daily life. Through exercises which encourage an honest evaluation, we will work together to understand your current state of recovery, the places where you feel most affected by your trauma, and the areas you are most interested in sparking improvement. We will work to let go of the old patterns and set intentions to unveil the path to the life you would like to lead. We will also create a series of actions toward self-awareness that can help bring about recovery where it has appeared immovable in the past. Through these steps, we will begin to uncover that which holds you back from the ultimate, peaceful self that is waiting to emerge.
Legacy of Light Parenting Workshop
Audience: Survivors with Children (or anyone wanting to build their awareness in parenting)
Timeframe: One to Two Day Workshop or a Series of 4 Sessions
Parenting is extremely difficult for survivors of trauma within the family because we are left with no intuitive guidelines for successful parenting. Through activities which promote an honest and vulnerable understanding of our parenting, we will work together to evaluate the current belief systems driving your parenting, the defense mechanisms you use to cope with your triggers and the impacts your children may be feeling. We will also create a series of self-care actions to help you strengthen the boundaries within your family. Once you have identified some new boundaries, we will create another series of actions for building a stronger relationship with your children. Through these steps, we will work through the traumatic triggers that are keeping you from a life of more peaceful parenting.